Cannabis Chapter

In 2020, we launched our third member group, the Cannabis Chapter. This group was established for mission-aligned, founders and CEOs in cannabis. Together, we work through tough business and industry challenges by way of action-oriented meetings, purposeful collaboration and meaningful connection. We are currently working with nearly 20 mission-aligned leaders in cannabis, up and down the supply chain, including, farmers, ingredient suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers. Our theory of change is that the financial strength and resilience of the Cannabis industry, it’s people, and the world that holds them, will be realized on when we can foster community engagement, employee welfare, and responsible farming practices.

Interested in participating? Or know someone who might be a good fit? We are currently seeking the best and brightest sustainable cannabis leaders committed to making a positive impact on our industry, people, and planet.

Interested in Joining?

Our Cannabis Chapter is sponsored in part by Wendel Rosen LLP, one of the largest and most experienced law firms in the Bay Area. Since 2004, Oakland-based Wendel Rosen has helped clients navigate California’s cannabis laws, including advising the largest contract manufacturer of extracted products in the state.  More recently, the firm has represented clients in the newly-legalized hemp industry.  In 2018, California kicked-off cannabis legalization and the federal government decriminalized hemp. The laws governing both industries are still a work in progress, however, and Wendel Rosen’s experience remains invaluable.

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Current Members