November 10, 2016 by dev_team
Regenerative Agriculture panel, For the Love of Dirt, digs deep!
by Michael Anzalone
Live @ Hanson Bridgett
Thank you to all who made it out on November 3 for our latest community event, For the Love of Dirt, which focused on the power of regenerative agriculture. The message was clear. The time for us all to act is now, and the solution is literally under our feet! Thank you to our panelists for sharing their insights:
John Roulac, CEO of Nutiva – the First-Mover, who helped first introduce the idea of regenerative agriculture to many of us within the industry
David Bronner, CEO of Dr. Bronner’s – the Accelerator, who is championing widespread adoption by activating industry players and consumers alike
John Foraker, CEO of Annie’s Homegrown – the Scale Doctor, who is making this progressive practice a viable option for large-scale producers like General Mills, and Campbells
and Lara Dickinson – Executive Director of OSC2 – the Star Convener, who in partnership with Sustainable Fair Trade Association is developing a climate beneficial action plan for the natural products industry.
John Foraker, John Roulac, Lara Dickinson, David Bronner (Pictured L-R)
For those that missed the conversation, tune in here for the full audio recording:
And here for the accompanying slide deck.
We’d also like to thank our partners who helped make For the Love of Dirt a huge success:
- Lindsay Smalling & Liz Maxwell at SOCAP 365
- Tracy Tiernan, Mindy Christensen, and Gary Groff at New Resource Bank
- Jonathan Storper, Michelle Klopp, Amanda Proen, and the amazing team at Hanson Bridgett
Additional Resources
For more info on the benefits of Regenerative Farming practices, take a look at this white paper by Jack Kittredge, NOFA/Mass policy director, “Soil Carbon Restoration: Can Biology Do the Job?”
Click here for a short survey to provide event feedback and/or contact OSC2 about further engagement.
Also, visit us at Facebook to stay connected.