February 15, 2020 by dev_team
JEDI Collaborative hosts and Unconscious Bias Workshop for founders & CEOs of leading natural products companies in the Bay Area
OSC²‘s newly minted JEDI Collaborative hosted a day-long workshop to explore how internal and interpersonal unconscious biases prevent us from truly behaving in inclusive, equitable, and just ways.
Twenty-five CEO’s, Founders and culture leaders from fourteen leading natural products companies, including Guayaki, Numi Tea, Alter Eco, Kuli Kuli, La Tourangelle, and many more met at Nutiva‘s headquarters in Richmond, CA to uncover their own individual biases and examine how their respective identities influence these perceptions. The group also spent time examining how stereotypes and micro-aggressions can create exclusive environments for our colleagues, customers, partners, and more. Participants left with with tools to uncover, mitigate, and interrupt bias in themselves, challenge bias in others, and have difficult conversations about their own biases.